Dog's play time

Puppy playtime teaches important things like bite inhibition and communication
skills with other dogs, so they can develop good manners and social skills in order to live
happy lives. When dogs miss that window of development through puppy play, that can lead
to negative behaviors around other dogs.

Play with your puppy for at least 20 minutes a day, in addition to giving
him 20 to 30 minutes of exercise. A bored puppy is a destructive puppy. Playing is also a great way to
bond with your puppy, and it helps her to interact with people in a positive manner.

When deciding which type of play to allow, ask yourself if you would tolerate
this behavior in an adult dog. For instance, if your puppy jumps on you as you walk in the door,
you may think it's adorable and feel like you've been welcomed home. But would you want
your full-grown pet to do it every day, to you (even when you're wearing your good clothes), to a child,
or to your dinner guests? If not, don't let your puppy do it, either.