A cat's Position Meaning

1. All Curled Up in a Furry Ball

This is also called the ‘crescent,’ and it is one of the more common cat sleeping positions. One reason for that is it helps
your cat maximize his body heat for added warmth. It’s also a sleep position that protects your fuzzy friend’s vital organs.

This is a common position for wild cats and is something that is part of their natural instinct to protect themselves while
sleeping. In this position, curled-up cats often curl their back in a shape that resembles a crescent, and thus, the name for
this position.

Your cat may also choose this position during times when they are feeling a little insecure. It helps them feel protected.

2. In a Cardboard Box

Just like your kids love a good cardboard box to play with, your cat also loves to sleep in it. They offer your kitty
protection from the elements and from enemies. It’s another sleeping spot that harkens back to their wild ancestors.

Cats sleep in boxes or other enclosed areas to stay hidden from any predators or rivals that might want to pick a fight with
them. If your cat’s an indoor kitty, the desire to sleep in a box may indicate they are hiding from someone or something in
the house. It might be a new pet or an old rival, but it could also be a person who is constantly trying to pet or play with
your cat.

3. Belly Up

I like to call this position the ‘belly trap’ since I can’t resist patting that belly, and when I do, my cat attacks! This is such an
adorable position it’s hard to resist. Your cat is just fully exposed while he gets a little shut-eye.

When your cat sleeps belly up, it’s a good sign that the two of you have an excellent relationship. It’s a vulnerable position
so it indicates your cat completely trusts you and your home.

4. Loaf of Bread

The loaf is a popular position where your cat is sitting upright with his front paws tucked in under his body. It makes him
look just like a loaf of bread. Your cat will often close his eyes in a sign of complete contentment.

When he’s in the loaf position, however, it’s likely a sign he’s not in a deep sleep. Usually, it’s just a quick catnap in this
position, and he is usually still fairly alert. Even so, this is a very relaxed cat sleeping position that lets him get some rest
while keeping watch over his realm.

5. Eyes Half Shut

You’ve probably seen your kitty appearing to snooze with his eyes half-closed and half-open. This is so they can wake up
quickly if they need to since they don’t want to miss any possible threats that might come up.

If you see your kitty overlord in this position, it might be an indicator that he’s watching out for something in the home.
Maybe there are unfamiliar people around or something has recently changed.

6. Contortionist

This is probably one of the weirdest cat sleeping positions around. In this position, your cat appears to be a veritable
contortionist with his legs sticking out in all directions, his body half hanging off the couch, and his head twisted around. It
doesn’t seem to be a very comfortable position.

If you’re wondering what it means, so do the experts. There’s no real science behind why your cat might choose this
sleeping position. Maybe he just always wanted to be in the circus?!

7. Sideways

The sideways cat sleeping position is another common position, and it’s similar to the belly up position. It’s not quite as
exposed as the belly-up position, but it is still a vulnerable position.

Though they often seem to be in a deep sleep in this position, it’s usually more of a catnap position since it does make
your kitty more vulnerable. As with the belly-up position, however, it does mean your cat feels very comfortable in your
home and with you around.

9. Sitting Up

You’ll often see your cat napping in this position with his tail wrapped around his paws. Usually, he won’t stay asleep for
more than 15 or 20 minutes, and it’s another one of those ‘stay alert’ cat sleeping positions. He wants to be able to wake at
a moment’s notice.

10. On Top of You

While this is often not one of the most comfortable positions for you, it is a good sign that you have a very positive
relationship with your kitty. Your cat really wants to be close to you, and he is so comfortable with you that he really feels
he can let his guard down by sleeping on top of you.

Your cat’s pretty smart too because he knows your arms and legs are more likely to move, so he will often choose your
chest or even your back to sleep on. While you might not be able to sleep well, you can take satisfaction from the fact that
this is a sign of trust from your friend

11. Superman

This is my personal favorite cat sleeping position. I cannot resist this one. It’s when your cat lies on his belly and stretches
out his back paws behind him and his front paws as well. It looks like Superman in flight.

This sleep position is a sign of an extremely relaxed cat, and he can fall into a deep sleep in this comfortable position.

12. Tucked In

Many cats just love to cuddle up in blankets, on couches, in beds, in drawers, or otherwise covered up and tucked in. These
positions maximize body heat for warmth and they also offer protection. It’s a cat’s natural instinct to seek out a safe
space for times when he will be most vulnerable

13. In a Kitty Pile

Just like with puppy piles, kittens also sleep with their mother and siblings to stay warm and safe. It makes them feel more
secure when sleeping with another cat. You’ll often see cats sleep in more exposed positions when they are in a pile with
other cats.

If your cats are sleeping together, it’s also a positive indicator of their relationship with one another. It’s another sign of
trust that they feel comfortable with their housemates.

All In One Video

This is all of these facts in one video for it to be more enoyalbe then reading: